Has been used all over the world for thousands of years. Records indicate that garlic was in use when the Giza pyramids were built, about 5,000 years ago.
Richard S. Rivlin wrote in the Journal of Nutrition that the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (circa. 460-370 BC), known today as “the father of Western medicine,” prescribed garlic for a wide range of conditions and illnesses. Hippocrates promoted the use of garlic for treating respiratory problems, parasites, poor digestion, and fatigue.
The original Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece were given garlic – possibly the earliest example of “performance enhancing” agents used in sports.
From Ancient Egypt, garlic spread to the advanced ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley (Pakistan and western India today). From there, it made its way to China.
According to experts at Kew Gardens, England’s royal botanical center of excellence, the people of ancient India valued the therapeutic properties of garlic and also thought it to be an aphrodisiac. The upper classes avoided garlic because they despised its strong odor, while monks, “…widows, adolescents, and those who had taken up a vow or were fasting, could not eat garlic because of its stimulant quality.”
Health Benefits of Bawang-Garlic:
Good for the heart
Helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL)
Aids in lowering blood pressure
Remedy for arteriosclerosis
May help prevent certain types of cancer
Boosts immune system to fight infection
With antioxidant & antibacterial properties
Cough and cold remedy
Relives sore throat
Aids in the treatment of tuberculosis
Helps relieve rheumatism pain
Relief of toothaches
Kills skin fungus athlete’s foot
With anticoagulant properties
Preparation of Bawang-Garlic
Ø For disinfecting wound, crush and juice the garlic bulb and apply. You may cover the afflicted area with a gauze and bandage.
Ø For sore throat, peal the skin and chew for several minutes. Swallow the juice.
Ø For toothaches, crush then bite garlic
Ø For athlete’s foot, soak feet in salty water then apply garlic juice. Do this 3X day for a week.
Ø Cloves of garlic may be crushed and applied to affected areas to reduce the pain caused by arthritis, toothache, headache, and rheumatism.
Ø Decoction of the bawang bulbs and leaves are used as treatment for fever.
For nasal congestion, steam and inhale: vinegar, chopped garlic, and water.
Aside from being an alternative herbal medicine for hypertension, arteriosclerosis and other ailments, garlic is also recommended for maintaining good health - eat raw garlic bulbs if you can, and include bawang regularly in the food you eat. Garlic is healthy and taste good on a variety of dishes
Garlic Syrup Preparation
Is a great way to reap the benefits of garlic and is fantastic to take in cases of asthma, coughs, chronic bronchitis, and other various conditions of the lungs.
- Pour a quart of boiling water over a pound of fresh cut cloves,
- and allow to stand in a covered vessel for twelve hours.
- Reheat, adding honey until a syrupy consistency is achieved.
Optional: Caraway and bruised fennel can be heated for a short time in vinegar and added to the garlic syrup, to cover some of the pungent smell and add some extra expectorant benefit.
wow this is amazing blog post! Thank you for the info. It's help me making homemade remedies